Thursday, May 20, 2010

Respect LNO

What a lovely time we had at LNO East, learning about respect. But first, please know that I am now short $11.70 thanks to my daughter Laura. The story goes.... My sweet 10 year old left flyers all over the house about her new business: Laura's Spa. I got my feet massaged and the bill came to $1.50. Silly me forgot to pay her right away, but paid her today, only for her to quickly recalculate my bill-$11.70. Apparently there was small print on her flyer that said, "additional ...10 cents per hour if not paid at the time of service." Wow, can you say business savy?

Back to LNO, do your children enjoy one another? Would they say that they are BFF? If not, check out the audio & join me in praying that God would give us ideas on how our children should respect one another. Fight for each heart in your home, ladies! "We urge you, brethren admonish the unruly, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with everyone. See that no one repays another with evil for evil, but always seek after that which is good for one another and for all people." -1 Thessalonians 5:14-15

For the audio, click on the link below & then download the download.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Summer Goal Setting LNO

Last Tuesday night at LNO NORTH (May 11th), I talked about setting goals for the summer so that you THINK THROUGH and PLAN for both a productive and a fun/relaxing summer.

In addition, I talked about setting goals for yourself, by spending time with the Lord and getting HIS WISDOM & discernment over the PRIORITIES He would have for you to focus on this summer with yourself, your husband, and your children.

I also handed out & emailed various ideas for specific goals you & your family may want to accomplish. If you did not recieve an email or handout & you would like to, shoot me an email.

To hear the full scoop, click on the link below & then download the file.

A Peaceful Home LNO

1 Thessalonians 5:17 goes something like this, "pray without ceasing." Are we praying for our children? Are we praying up our husband? When is the last time we prayed & asked God to reveal ways in which we could establish a peaceful home? Thankfully, someone mentored me in this area & as a result, I was able to share my discoveries with the southside of Jacksonville on May 10th. Here is a peek at what we talked about & what you'll hear on the audio...

-Train to the heart. For example, rather than saying, "La-ia, stop slamming doors!" politely explain to them that slamming doors is disrespectful.

-Gather your children together & have them learn a Bible verse. To take it 1 step further, put a tune to the verse. One of our family faves is Proverbs 12:16, "A fool shows his annoyance at once (clap-clap clap-clap... clap-clap clap-clap), but a wise man overlooks an insult (clap-clap clap-clap) OVERLOOKS AN INSULT!"

To hear the audio, click on the link & download the file. The file will take about 10 minutes to download so why not use that time to pray yourself up for what your about to hear?

Parenting to the Heart LNO

This time LNO was hit up on the east side, where I spoke about Parenting to the Heart on April 20th. May I give a shout out to the women wearing the aprons? Dinner tonight was deep dish delish! (Do I sound hip?) Here are a few learnings from tonight...

-Let's train our kids to be behind the scenes when they see a problem i.e.just clean it up quietly.

-Whether it be eating dinner at home or at a fancy restaraunt like Taco Bell, role play BEFORE how to act & respond appropriately.

-If a child cannot show honor & respect at home, they cannot be trusted to spend the night anywhere else.

All this & more can be heard by clicking this link & then downloading the file.

75 Came Russian Over

All 75 of our Russian friends made a 2nd appearance at my home and we had nothing less than a STELLAR time! Thanks to the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad I have a few rental houses & in 1 of those houses 14 Russian college students currently reside. Getting to know all 75 & their presh (short for precious) personalities, my family and I decided to have them over for a night of food & games.

Hoping and praying that my family and I would be a blessing to them, they were an absolute blessing to us! My family, as well as other friends invited, were so encouraged by their adament faith & love for the Lord. How presh (are you catching on?) they were to come prepared with a time of worship and praise to God, as well as a few ab fab (absolutely fabulous) skits. Loved it!

Giving LNO

Is it April already?? I guess so, because on APRIL 12th, we chatted about the topic of "Giving" at LNO South. Proverbs 22:9 reads, "He who has a generous eye will be blessed." With that being said we want to make it our aim to teach our children the JOY of giving. A few helpful hints from the night include...

-Teach your children to give up their TALENT, TIME, & MONEY to be about others.

-Kids, even small ones, can give respect to others by displaying people skills, showing eye-contact, & can go as far as tell others truthfully how they have particularly impacted their life.

-Always check your motive for giving. Perhaps we should give anonymously.

For more information, click here & download the "Giving" file.

Disciplining Children LNO

On March 16th, the topic of "Disciplining Children" was confronted at LNO East (not to be confused with LNO North or South). Here is a snippet of what went down...

-As parents, grandparents, teachers, etc. we are to discipline CALMLY, because no one deserves disrespect.

-Our children should obey right away, all the way, & with a cheerful heart. (teach this to your children)

-Train to the heart of your child. If their heart is not dealt with, it is easy for them to become self-absorbed. Remember, nothing comes out of our mouths that's not directly from our hearts. Jeremiah 17:9

-Don't allow ANYONE in your family to go to bed angry with another member of the fam.

Also, find out 1 way to respond when a particular child decides to show disrespect over the food being served at a buffet line. Personal experience, people.

To give the audio a listen to, click on the link and then download the file: