Sunday, June 20, 2010

LNO Freezer Cooking

"She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy...She watches over the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness."
-Proverbs 31:20, 27

On June 15th, LNO was privileged enough to hear Ashley Shaddock talk about FREEZER COOKING! Freezer cooking is the practice of cooking more than you need for a meal, and then freezing the rest for later. It can mean anything from cooking a double batch of spaghetti sauce to making an entire month's worth of meals in a single day, and freezing each entree individually for suppers over the entire month.

I learned so much at my old age and wanted to share a few of my learnings:

*Less time at the grocery story usually means less money spent
*It's no harder to make 3 lasagnas at one time in an assembly line than a single dish with leftovers frozen to use later
*Print coupons from,,
*Start by shopping your pantry. You may find great inspiration from the ingredients you already have on hand
*Unexpected houseguests will not be a burden to prepare a meal for if you already have a stash of healthy freezer meals

Here are a few websites Ashley recommended for us to view regularly:


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